
In the world of corporate America, we find our morals tested to the brink of spiritual annihilation, our minds twisted in the distorted reality of business and our sanity lost to the illogical universe of capitalism. This is the tale of one art department's trials and tribulations in the white collar world we live in every day from 8:30am to 5:00pm.

Monday, April 30, 2007


Here I sit with non-crappy work in front of me, yet my motivation eludes me to no end. I think (know) it's this place, this place that doubles as a sponge, absorbing all waves of ambient sanity, inspiration and motivation. If people out there have the impression that graphic designers get to wind down and retreat to a spot (usually on site) that is meant to help conjure up some inspiration (i.e. a lounge with pool tables, video games, ping-pong tables...) think again. The only place that we have here is this prison of a room (actually scratch that, at least prisons have windows in some cells), managed by a dark overlord that has just as much of a "sponge" effect on the aforementioned mental components. just makes me wanna shove an icicle through my neck.......

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