
In the world of corporate America, we find our morals tested to the brink of spiritual annihilation, our minds twisted in the distorted reality of business and our sanity lost to the illogical universe of capitalism. This is the tale of one art department's trials and tribulations in the white collar world we live in every day from 8:30am to 5:00pm.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Ode to Multilingual

Oda a multilingüe / Ode à multilingue

Multilingual isn't great,
Multilingual I hate, hate, hate.
I thought I was hired as an artist?
Right now that seems the farthest.

Sure foreign languages are fun to learn
But in school, which I'm not about to return.
Staring at my screen my creativity slowly drains,

but why wouldn't it? I'm barely using my brain.

So unless the foreign words I'm reading are Tequila or Coronita,
I'm not interested.. so bring on the Margaritas!


Sleepy Ferret said...


Sulking Sloth said...

I couldn't agree more. Well played