
In the world of corporate America, we find our morals tested to the brink of spiritual annihilation, our minds twisted in the distorted reality of business and our sanity lost to the illogical universe of capitalism. This is the tale of one art department's trials and tribulations in the white collar world we live in every day from 8:30am to 5:00pm.

Friday, April 27, 2007

R.I.P. Smarties

This farewell shout-out is to commemorate the wonderful life and death of the gigantor bag of Smarties who resided in Sleepy Ferret’s desk. You were practically indestructible and we will look back on all of our times together, fondly. The way you helped us curb our appetites, fed our sugar rush, and added joy to any drab day, kept us in good spirits. You will leave quite a gap here. We will always remember you for your quantity and generosity, and how much you hurt when you were chucked across that room and hit someone on the back of the head. And although you may be replaced with lifesavers or airheads, you will always have a special place in our hearts.

1 comment:

Desert Coyote said...

Always in our hearts!